Intro.. Ferns and tree ferns are undoubtedly some of my favourite plants in the garden. But the real joy is pairing them with the right companion plants, those that …
With so many gardening tools on the market, it can be hard to know which ones needed for various gardening tasks. But don’t worry, I’m here to share my …
Welcome to the world of growing the elephant garlic plant. Think of elephant garlic as garlic on steroids. Elephant garlic is technically not a true garlic, it is more …
Onions are easy to grow, making them a great choice for novice gardeners. In this article, I will discuss the 5 steps for planting & growing onions. Whether you …
Growing your own garlic is one of the easiest vegetables to grow. Stop settling for expensive & tasteless supermarket garlic and follow my easy guide for a successful garlic …